Friday, January 07, 2005

Dream : Winter Clothing Restaurant

I guess yesterday's chat in IRC overexcited myself ho ho ho..... Here come the dream of yesterday:

There's a hacker said he can hack into my house. (Hacker? was that stupid Vertex? Wakakaka) I didn't believe him, so do my housemate wor... so he said he can prove it by giving him the address lolz. Well, somehow we gave him the apartment address, and we went out and had a look at the balcany, Woola~ There was one dirty blue polo-shirt hanging and a small blue invitation card. The card stated clearly that there will have a very special dinner at 7pm at the restaurant stated below.

So we walked and walked, we passed some dirty small alley like those behide Petaling Street... (I knew I've been here before, many time.... yeah maybe in different dreams) I dunno we have passed through how many building and finally we saw the restaurant. We walked in but the securities said we cannot enter as we did not wear winter clothes. What?!?!?! Winter clothes? why must wear winter clothes??? (It's like the scence of "Eyes Wide Shut" with the guest must wear mask to enter the secret place.... I love that very much). Then we shown him the dirty blue shirt we received from the hacker, and my friends wore it and managed to get inside. What abt me? Dunno how but some how I manage to sneak inside too hahaaa....

The restaurant is very high class ^^, with many sexy waitress wearing like a palace custum, pretty and sexy oh~~~ even the guest, they all wear winter clothes, some sweaters, some leather jacket, some with furs.... wierd. It's not particular cold inside and I wondered why they need to wear like that. I bet they suffered when they enjoying their meal hahaha. The dishes were fixed. Appetizer is salad...dunno what salad as I didn't pay attention. Main dish is grilled chicken chops, with some fries... well, I found it not delicious at all. The dessert is weird. It's Kalipop soak in banana curry syrups.... haha.... look delicious~!

Just when I wanna try the dessert, the securities discover that I am illegally enter the restaurant, so I quickly ran outside and they keep chasing me.... suddenly they stopped. But I heard a voice told me that they are sending the famous the Reaper Killer to kill me!!! I'd a peek at my back and I saw there's a man riding a snow mobile just about 100ft behind me! I ran and ran and ran and ran .... and I woke up..... Phew~~~

After this, I fall back to sleep again and this time I dream of I and my honey going to the same restaurant to have dinner. I couldn't go in and I told my honey but she ignored me :~(
She somemore went in with one guy and ignoring me.... I was sad, so sad..... and.... the dream end and I was shaked up by my honey kekekeee.... yeah yesterday I promised her to have breatfast together.

Let's you all to tell me how you explain this dream yaaa~

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Dream : Loop of Time

THIS.... is one of the weirdest dream I've made.

I made this dream about a year ago... and it's very very nice dream as until now I still can remembered some part of it. I'm not sure I had this dream after I watch "The Matrix" or before.... really could remembered....

The time is at far far far far future..., year 2046? Ha... could remember, just know it's far far far far future.... Maybe it's year 30056.

It's end of the world. Yes! You are right! It's end of the world as a giant astroid is hitting earth in another 3 hrs. (sound like armmagadon movie kekekekeke).

There's one giant room, with huge glass wall that u can see the night sky very clearly... oh yeah, It's a terminal for the high speed train station. But this is room huge.... the lighting are groomy, soft yellow color. Not much people in the room tho. Their all looking to the glass wall, starring at the sky... speechless... they look scared. It's quiet as they seem like feeling the last moment of the earth. But.... There are 2 people with exceptional. a Female and A Male, all in black leather Jacket like on "The Matrix" movie. I can feel that the guy is me :P wakkekeke Did they wear glasses? I can't recall

She says: It comes... It finally comes... The cycles begin again.. tonite.
I say: Yeah... this is the 4th times.... Are you prepared?
She says: Yes. Let's go!

Do you understand? Kakaaa.... Well, I understand what I was saying as I know what's gonna happened: The cycles begin... others feel it's end of the world but we know it's not it. It's a cycles, the same event happened 3 times before and I know it's not end of the world. It'll just bring all back to the beginning, where the loop of time begin. Understand? If not, I can't help u hahahaaaa

We abroad a fast speed train (or spaceship?) . We ate on a mission, a mission to complete this loop of time. We are on my way to our destination....... and suddenly!!!! There are people coming out of no where and start attacking us~! We fight from inside of the carrier to the outside, the night is dark and cold, the wind blowing fast as the carrier is moving fast~! The fight continue, and I am not losing...... and and and
and and and.....

Duh~! the end of my dream. I knew it will continue one day but dunno when as I have the experiences of continue dream. When it appear, I will post it here again. I also wanna know what's the end story.

People says some dreams are real... it's gonna happen one day. have you experienced "De Javu"? I think "De javu" happened when you experenced the event in your dream before but you couldn't remember it. When it come true, u will wonder aik.... I know I experience this scence before..... De Javu?


Dream : Back To Ames

I had a sweet dream yesterday night...

I dream of I was back to Ames for my study. I even lived at the same apartment but my housemate have changed. I didn't recognize who they are but I know they are my good friends. Something had changed is the rental cost up from USD750 to USD3000 !!! Oh my gosh~ It's damn expensive. Well, luckily it was only a dream and I don't need to pay the USD1000 oer month (3 people sharing).

It is a winter, and it's very cold and snowing outside....
The whole gangs of malaysian have gathered to my apartment and we was prepare for our dinner. Eventhough It's just 6pm but the sky all already very dark.... yeah.... it's winter!
I am searchig for my gloves, the only leather gloves that i bought when I was there. I kindda miss the gloves now as I forgot to bring it back to Malaysia. It's dark brown color, quite thin but it keep cold from my hands. It's a nice gloves as after u wear it, your fingers still able to move freely.

Then all are ready... and we are going outside to take the bus, The Cyride. Eh... where is my ZX? guess that time I don't have car yet haaa~~ Well, The service of Cyride is good, very good. Have you ever experienced that u spend for 3 hours and still can't get a bus? Well, that happened in Malaysia while I was in secondary school. I waited from 6:30am till 8:30am and still can't get a god damn bus to stop for me. It was a very horrible feeling. But~ the cyride never missed the time schedule, yeah~! (Except during heavy snowstorm). All of us have the schedule of the Cyride, it stated the time of the bus reaches at eash station. And it never missed. Eventhough it arrive earlier, it will wait until the time stated in the schedule then depart. How nice, with that I didn't waste my time in waiting for the bus~

Well, back to the dream... I told one friend that I dun have changes for the bus fee, he said he will pay for me, how nice! And when the bus come, oh.... It was a double decker bus, Ha~! how weird. maybe I watched Harry Porter and have this impresion. Well.... That's the end of the dream as I was awaken by a phone call from my Father.

Yeah... I miss Ames.