Friday, April 27, 2007

越来越 LanSi

我觉得我越来越 Lansi...

刚刚 HSBC Credit Card 的公司打电话来追帐,
我很不耐烦也很 Lansi 地答他...

HSBC: Sir, your last month balance is overdue...
MM: What's the total amount?

HSBC: Actually the overall minimum payment is just RM50...
MM: I asked you what's my total outstanding Amount~! (声量提高)

HSBC: Your total outstanding amount is RM1100+....
MM: What? Just RM1100+???

HSBC: Yeah.... Could you arrange your payment by....(不等他讲完...)
MM: Just charge in whatever penalty charges you wanna impost or cancel my card, I'll pay the ful amount every 2 months. I don't care. I won't pay until next statement come, and don't need to call me regarding this again.

HSBC: I understand... but could you arrange the minimum payment first?
MM: You didn't listen what I said? I will pay the full payment every 2 months~!!! I won't send you any minimum payment~!!! and stop buggering me again~!!!



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